Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking, Application Security, Penetration Testing, Bug Bounties, etc., these career options are blooming and becoming popular among teenagers, scholars, experienced professionals, etc. globally. The reason for this popularity is surely the growing community, increased attacks, and need for skilled professionals.

However, this domain is at a time confusing for a beginner and it may look like an ocean when it comes to Where should I start from? What should I learn first? Damn, there’s a lot to learn and it will take years for me to get into the game, is there any shortcut or shall I leave this domain!! These are not just some questions I frame for this blog but these are the most commonly asked questions to me over Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Emails, etc.

Sometimes, it really hard to provide an exact answer to a curious mind when they come and ask me, Hey Harsh, I am new to Cyber Security and I really want to get started, can you please help me out? Keeping this thing in mind, I am writing this blog to answer all these questions and in a nutshell provide you all with a learning path from my perspective on How to Get Started in Cyber Security?

Cyber Security is a huge domain and when you refer to Cyber Security, you are actually not clear what domain you are actually trying to ask! When you say Cyber Security it can be — you want to be a bug bounty hunter or maybe a blue teamer or a cyber forensics guy or maybe you are not sure either. So let’s just first break down some general career options in Cyber Security which will help you to know where you want to go exactly..

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